Is it OK for My Dog to Sleep Inside???

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 2nd Jun 2016

Is it OK for my dog to sleep inside!Yes…..that’s right…… I’m going to talk about it!!!This isn’t going to be about Pet Treats or Pet Products per say but it is most definitely about dogs!As winter is upon us I have noticed that our dogs are increasingly turning on the cuteness factor at night before I blow the home fires out and tuck into beddy byes!Not only do they seem to be getting more cute as …
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When To Give Your Dog Pet Treats?

When To Give Your Dog Pet Treats?

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 26th May 2016

Dog Treats are such an amazing product. There is such a wonderful choice for one to consider plus so many reasons to give them to your favourite pet.  Recently, I have been getting a few questions from our customers about the times when we should, indeed, be giving our best mates a Dog Treat. So I thought I would try to shed some light on the situation but remember, there are …
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Iron in the Diet of our Pets.  Is it important?

Iron in the Diet of our Pets. Is it important?

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 25th May 2016

During the week a Cat Food has been re-called in the UK because of too much Iron.Nothing to worry about here in Australia I am led to believe, however I was curious as to why this is important enough to re-call and what Iron is needed for?So I did a bit of digging and this is what I came up with.Iron is important in all mammal’s diets for a number of really important reasons.Firstly, it is ne …
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Does my horse need Iodine?

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 18th May 2016

IODINE is an essential nutrient required in horses as it is in us humans which is necessary for the production of certain hormones which influence nearly every process in the body.This ranges from proper brain development, heat regulation, essential bone growth and feed utilization and all basal metabolism.So it is really safe to say that Iodine is super important in your horses' diet.As …
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