For Customers in the USA you can find our Awesome Huds and Toke products here:
Huds and Toke USA
Welcome to Huds and Toke.
At Huds and Toke we aim to "Create Awesome Memories" with the animals in our lives by treating them brilliantly because we understand how important they are to us as individuals and to our society as a whole.
We manufacture world class, premium quality, Horse Training Treats and gourmet pet treats from our purpose built facility based in Australia.
If your pets are happy; you will be happy......
We invite to try our Horse Treats, Dog Treats and Rabbit Treats.
Join our family and come along for the ride @ "Huds and Toke Family".
World Class products, which are premium quality, can only come from a place which is by it's nature, world class.
As such, the team at Huds and Toke have established a purpose built facility on the Beach in Australia.
The production environment also has to be world class.....

Of course, the facility is also accredited via the internationally recognized Food Safe Program, called HACCP.
This accreditation means we produce to the highest of standards, and to ensure this continues, as a business, we get audited every year by professional HACCP Accreditors.
The team at Huds and Toke take enormous pride in the products which they make.
Because of the special relationship between Australia and the USA we want to share these wonderful products with you.
All of Our products are made to the highest quality.
Nothing Artificial is added and our unique process is fully Accredited with HACCP.
We thoroughly enjoy making some of the worlds best quality, and most innovative, products for Horses, Dogs and Rabbits.
These then become the World Class Products one can see within the marketplace all over the world.
Huds and Toke can be found Nationally across Australia and New Zealand, Japan and NOW are available in the USA.
Although the range available presently is focused on the Ponies and Horses in the US, we will soon be expanding this range to include our Dog Treat products and our Treats for Pet Rabbits as well.
Each, and every, Huds and Toke Product are 100% AUSTRALIAN MADE with the health of your pets in mind.
- There are NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVOURS added either.
As a company, a team, and as a family, we are extremely proud to be creating such wonderful products of such a high standard of which are world class in both innovation and quality.
Because of the special relationship between Australia and the United States of America, we want to share our products with the ponies and pets of the US!
Please feel free to browse our website and contact us should you have any questions, or purchase our range available via the link above.
Also, we are always looking for partners to assist. If you feel you are interested in a wholesale arrangement of distribution within the USA please contact us via the "Contact Us" form and we will get back to you directly.