12 Days Of Christmas Pet Treat Give-Away!

12 Days Of Christmas Pet Treat Give-Away!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 1st Dec 2021

Huds and Toke Pet Treats

Huds and Toke’s 12 Days of Christmas Giving!

Here at Huds and Toke we are celebrating the festive season early with awesome daily deals from: 

December 1st - December 12th

PLUS – any purchases made between 1 st-12th December using our daily code goes into the draw to win one of 

3 Christmas Goodie Packs valued at over $100 each shipped right to your door.


**winners of Goodie Packs announced on 13th December**

Daily Discounts/Giveaways will be announced in our stories on both Instagram and Facebook EACH DAY!!


to find your DAILY CODE!

Simply enter your code at Checkout for your discount/free item to be applied/included.

All deals valid from 12.00am-11.59pm QLD time daily, limited to 1 use per day per customer. Not valid with any other discount code/offer, discounts valid for treats only.

So Join in the Christmas Cheer, the Christmas Fun, and the Awesome Christmas Spirit and join us each day on our socials to claim your deals.....

Have a great next 12 days from the team here @ Huds and Toke™ Gourmet Christmas Pet Treats team!!!!



Huds and Toke