ANZAC DAY... A Time to Give Thanks For Their Sacrifice.... Men, Women , Pets and Animals

ANZAC DAY... A Time to Give Thanks For Their Sacrifice.... Men, Women , Pets and Animals

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 22nd Apr 2020

Anzac Day is fast approaching, and it is a really important day for remembrance....  But not only for humans.... Also for the Animals which served.

Australian Made Treats for Horses

During World War One, approximately 16 million animals were used as part of the war effort.

That's an amazing figure.

Approximately 8 million Horses died in WW1.  

It wasn't just the Light Horse Brigade which we are so familiar with, but also donkeys, mules, Dogs, Pigeons etc...

Their role was important, extremely influential, and often unappreciated.....

Horses were used for the cavalry in actual fighting; plus they, and mules and donkeys, were used for carrying  supplies, carting the wounded and recovering those souls whom perished.

Dogs were used as guard dogs and attack dogs.  Further to this, they were also used to send messages, sniff out mines and find people under rubble.

Australian Made Dog Treats

Pigeons were used to carry messages, and Canaries were used to indicate the presence of poisonous gasses.

In-fact, more than 100,000 Pigeons served in WW1 and 200,000 in WW2

Other animals were also involved as mascots and companions .

With ANZAC Day upon us, please just think about our animals sacrifices as well.....  they are integral to our freedom.....

Just as they are today.....  our pets are integral to our health and to our social fabric within our society....  Perhaps now more than ever.....

Have a nice long weekend and give thanks for our blessings, remember those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms and spare a thought about those pets and animals who have been so important to our society and our lives.

All the best from the team @ Huds and Toke ™, we appreciate your support and please, feel free to contact us to get your pets some trendy pet treats for the long weekend!



Australian Made Pet Treats