Australian Made Pet Treat Products should take centre stage.

Posted by Emma Gibbons on 19th Jan 2015

Recently the big pet supplies chain PetCo in the US has just deleted all lines of Dog Treats and Cat Treats that are made in China.

That is a massive move by a price driven corporation and great to see that as a big corporate that it is listening to its customer base (all of the pet parents) out there, that they would prefer to buy treats of a reputable origin.. 

Great for us "Australian Made" manufacturers as we do care!! 

We at Huds and Toke are fully devoted Pet Parents (I type as one of my furry kids, Pepper, lays at my feet).

We at Huds and Toke are always drawing on our creative brains to invent better and healthier pet treats for our Australian Pets within our Australian climate. 

Check out the link below if you are interested in reading the whole article.