Huds and Toke Pet Treats in Take 5 Magazine

Huds and Toke Pet Treats in Take 5 Magazine

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 20th Jan 2017

The owner of Huds and Toke™ was recently invited to take part in the latest issue of the Take 5 Magazine.

Being on the Cover of one of the most widely read magazines in Australia is really exciting for not only the Brand but also for Emma, the owner!

Huds and Toke Pet Treats

I mean, it's not everyday that one makes the cover of a magazine is it???

Needless to say, it is a really positive statement for Huds and Toke™ and for the Pet Treats we manufacture.

The brand is being widely recognised as not only the original, and the best, Brand for Australian made Horse Treats but also for the highest quality designer of exciting, unique and innovative Gourmet Dog Treats in Australia.

And that's not to mention all the other pet products such as Bunny Bix and Chook Lollies, to name a couple, which we create.

The team work so hard to achieve all of this and it is worth recognising that something such as this is a great way to start the New Year.

So go and get the magazine and give it a read.  It's really entertaining and yes...... that is our dog, Pepper!

Thank-you for your support and Happy New Year to you.

From all the Team here @ Huds and Toke, keep "Creating Awesome Memories" with the pets in your lives this weekend!


Pet Treats by Huds and Toke

PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.