5 Things To Do With Your Pet on Valentines Day.

5 Things To Do With Your Pet on Valentines Day.

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 8th Feb 2021

Valentines Day is fast approaching!

Valentines Day Dog Treats

With one in five people buying valentines day treats for their pets; whilst also admitting that they prefer spending more time with their pet than their actual human partner......  You are most definitely not alone in organizing something for your pet this Valentines Day.

Here are 5 things you can do to include your pets!

1.  Go on a Long Walk With Your Dog.

This is something that is great for both you and your puppy.  Why not take your significant other with you as well.

If you have a favourite walk which you know your puppy enjoys, why not take it for that extra long meander.  

Leave plenty of time for them to sniff and look.

Dog Treats

Perhaps even stop for a coffee along the way so they can have a break, a drink, and enjoy the moment rather than a full on exertive run.

They will love you for it, but the activity of a simple, relaxing walk, will do so many positive things for you and your significant other.

2.  Give them a special Pet Treat.... NO Chocolate.

Pet Dogs and Cats simply can't enjoy the chocolate which valentines day is known for!  The compound in Chocolate (theobromine) is actually toxic to them. 

However, you can buy some amazing gourmet pet treats which are specifically designed for you pet.  

They look good enough for us to eat but they are SAFE and HEALTHY for your pets...  

Valentines Day Dog Treats

Why not walk to your local pet shop and find something groovy for them to wear, like new collar, and pick up a Valentines Day Pet Treat while you are at it.

Huds and Toke make amazing Valentines Day Dog Treats.  They are all natural, made with Carob and Yoghurt and are healthy for them to eat.....  

3.  Do a Photo Shoot with your puppy.

Now that you have your Pet Treats, and have completed your walk....  spend some time with your pooch and take some selfies with yourself, your pet and those amazing Dog Treats you have purchased!

This does two things.  

Firstly, you spend that time having pure fun while you try and get that one amazing photo for you to share on your socials.  Your pet will enjoy the moment and so will you.....  the enjoyment you will get out of it will be awesome.

Doggy Doughnuts

Secondly, you'll have a number of photos by the end of your session to keep and remember.  

If you have a significant other, you should all take part in the photo shoot so that those happy moments can be recorded and remembered.

4.  Give them a massage.

Everyone loves a massage!  So either shout your pet a massage at a local grooming salon or you give them a massage yourself.

Dog Accessories

5.  Include them in a Special Valentines Day Meal.

If you decide to stay in and make a special Valentines Day Meal, why not think about a special something for them to eat as well.

You may not want to give them what you are cooking, however, consider giving them something that they would not normally eat for dinner, but you know they would love it?

Perhaps a better cut of meat than normal?

Valentines Day for Dogs

After such a busy day hanging out with you, they will thoroughly enjoy a wonderful feed with their family and will feel the love.

Valentines Day is a wonderful day.  

There are so many ways to celebrate with your loved ones as well as your pets.  

Whatever the case, remember that your pets are awesome and want to spend time with you no matter what.  Further to that, they only live for the moment, love you unconditionally, and never judge.....  what better company can you imagine???

Happy Valentines day from the team here at Huds and Toke™, and don't forget to tag us in on our socials with all those cool adventures you have with your pets.....



Valentines Day Dog Treats