Chanel, The Man Behind The Brand, And His Pet!!!

Chanel, The Man Behind The Brand, And His Pet!!!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 25th Feb 2019

Recently Karl Lagerfeld, Creative Director at the company Chanel sadly passed away.

Chanel - A great brand

There are a number of reasons why I wanted to write about this….. not just the passing of a remarkable man.

Karl Lagerfeld was the Creative Director and steered Channel the company to become one of the most valuable, and recognized, brands in the world.

Not only that, he was absolutely committed to his industry, the brands he was involved with, and also to the welfare of his beloved pet….. A cat named Choupette.

According to Lagerfeld joined Chanel in 1983 and since then only ever missed two catwalk shows, and they were recently….. at the age of 85???

He was a known workaholic but he loved what he did and he believed in the brands he managed right up until the end, and he believed in his industry totally.

He was instrumental to the success of the Chanel Brand…..

That is why Huds and Toke look up to not only him, but also others who have worked extremely hard to build a world class business and brand!

Huds and Toke is a brand who are trying to create world class, restaurant quality, products for dogs and horses…….

World Class Gourmet Pet Treats

Whilst we would never consider ourselves as anywhere near the same league as Chanel, or Lagerfeld for that matter, we do recognise the importance of believing totally in our brand and the products behind this brand……

This is why, as a team and a business, we built our own factory….. so we can create some of the highest quality, most awesome looking products…… because that is what great brands do…. They invest and commit.

Lagerfeld also knew how to have fun….. as do we, however it takes total commitment to ensure the brand is successful……so yes….. an Icon of the branding industry has passed and it was someone whom inspired us.

Another aspect of his life, which we truly relate to, was his love for his pet cat “Choupette”.

Now, I know many of us love our pets, but Karl Lagerfeld took this to another level entirely……

It is said that “Choupette”, his cat, has it’s own body guards, is chauffeur-driven and has two maids dedicated to its needs!!!!

It also has it's own Make-up and Fashion lines......  PLUS, Choupette is now a very wealthy Putty Cat indeed..... have a fair chunk of Karls $200million fortune being left in the will to her.

Now that is a pet lover if ever there was one!!!

AND I would bet that he used pet treats quite a lot!!!!!

The team at Huds and Toke totally get the enormity of what a pet adds to our lives….. and if truth be known, I would treat my pets like this as well; should I have the means!!!!

I wonder how many of us would do the same…….

However, I digress; what I admire about him from a Pet Lover perspective, is that he was proud to have a significant pet in his life.

He was proud to treat his cat as a direct family member….

He didn’t hide how much he respected his pet…..

That deserves to be mentioned and that deserves a certain level of respect.

He may have been known as a polarising individual, but like him or hate him, he loved his pets, and he knew how to make a great brand.

Perhaps many of us don’t openly treat our pets quite like this in public, but I bet we would all be surprised how many of us treat our pets like family members when we are at home!!!!

And what a great thing to be proud of!

Both those things are what the whole team at Huds and Toke are trying to achieve for you.

Thank-you for your support…… we truly appreciate it.

All the best from the team here @ Huds and Toke ™ ….. and RIP a great pet lover and an amazing Fashion Icon. 



World Class Gourmet Pet Treats