Happy Birthday to the Horses of Australia!

Happy Birthday to the Horses of Australia!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 1st Aug 2017

August is the Birthday month of Horses in Australia.......Time to Celebrate with Horse Treats!!!

Horse Treats

It has to be said…….

Happy Birthday to all our awesome Ponies in Australia.

August is the Birthday month for horses……So why not throw a Pony Party with a Huds and Toke ™ Gourmet Horse Treat Pony party Pack?

Horse Birthday Cakes

So go on, lets celebrate the birthday of our beloved horses......

It's will make you smile and its just FUN!!!!

In-fact, use this code for the month of August to get a super 20% discount for any Horse Treat just because if you are going to celebrate with your pony, we want to give you a gift as well!!!


Enter this code in the shopping cart for any Horse Treat Product.......and then go and celebrate.

All the best from the team @ Huds and Toke™.



Healthy Horse Treats