Huds and Toke Pet Treats Can Now Provide You With Dog Food.

Huds and Toke Pet Treats Can Now Provide You With Dog Food.

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 26th Mar 2020

These are crazy days but focusing on your pets truly help.  Our Pet Dogs, Horses, Pet Rabbits or what ever animal you consider as your pet will absolutely give you plenty of smiles if you focus on them!!!

Our Pet Family members are a wonderful source of positive vibes and feel good emotions.  

Dog Treats and Horse Treats

Take the time away from the news to play, sit, groom or simply admire them and their behaviour.  We can learn so much from them and they can provide a lot to our individual well-being.

At Huds and Toke ™, we understand that things are becoming more restrictive.  

We want you to know that as a manufacturer of food and treats in the Pet Industry we are deemed as part of the essential service network.  

As such, we will be open even as other places close for lock-downs.

With this in mind, we want to let you know that we can now provide Dog Food and Cat Food to you.

Obviously, it's great to go to your local pet shop, produce store or supermarket but if you felt that you didn't want to go outside and risk your health.....  we can get dry dog food and cat food delivered to you.

We have formed a strategic relationship with another Dog Food brand which is Australian owned and made.

We do this as an added service for you guys, our Huds and Toke Family.

Introducing Evolution Pet Foods.

Dog Food

The team have all been trialling this range over the last 2 months and we are all happy with it's results.

So if you want food to turn up with your Pet Treats, just let us know....  they are available now on our store.

Remember, our pets are a great source of joy and positivity and are super important to us all especially at this critical time.

Stay safe and stay well and do your part to help our wonderful country to get through.....  We'll keep doing our bit and take care of your pets.

Please keep sending your photos of all your pets..... and tag us into our socials....



Dog Food