Insect Dog Treats Are The New Pet Treats on the Block!

Insect Dog Treats Are The New Pet Treats on the Block!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 14th Nov 2023

Introducing Bug Chews....Insect Dog Treats by Huds and Toke!

The team at Huds and Toke have been working diligently to develop a new generation of Semi-Moist Dog Chews based on the super healthy Alternative Protein of Insects.....  

More specifically, Black Soldier Fly Larvae.

Introducing the all new Insect Based Dog Treats....  We call it .....

Insect Dog Treats

There are presently three flavour to choose between with one more in the pipeline!


The features of these new Insect Protein Dog Treats are as follows:

  • Made with Insect Protein which is really healthy for dogs.
    • Insect protein has many health benefits including anti-inflammatory properties.....  Find out more in this article on the health benefits of Insect Protein!
    • Black Soldier Flies are a native insect to Australia.
  • Very high in Protein.
  • Low in Fat.
  • Made with a natural Prebiotic
    • Promotes optimal gut health and is very important to a dogs general health.
  • Semi-Moist texture for ease of chewing on all ages and sizes of dogs.
  • Made with real vegetables.
    • Real vegetables, as well as Turmeric have incredible health benefits in their own right..... we hope to magnify these with the Insect Protein!
  • Made in a shape which can promote teeth and gum health.

Further to these amazing benefits, the Bug Chew Range is also an awesome Sustainable Choice of Pet Treat.

This is because the Black Soldier Fly Insects are fed food waste which are discarded by supermarkets, food stores and restaurants.

Thus, they are recycling this food and repurposing it into a dog friendly medium which helps prevent food waste as well as minimises land fill and Green House Gas production because of the decomposing process.

The production of insects is also incredible for the environment as they are significantly more efficient at producing protein that farmed animals, use significantly less water and produce significantly less methane.

Check out the benefits of Insects here if you are interested.

Needless to say, these are highly innovative and an all round awesome product.

We are super proud of these and believe that they have the potential to be best in class.....  which is what we, at Huds and Toke, are aiming for!

Premium Quality, World Class Pet Treats for you to give to your pets to help Create Awesome memories.....

Plus, these are all AUSTRALIAN MADE with Australian farmed Insect Protein.....  Your puppies with Thank-you for providing these Dog Treats!

Please try this new Bug Chew Range out.  We believe your puppy with absolutely love them and will thrive if you add these into your dogs diet.

As always, the Huds and Toke Team are super grateful for your support.  It's your support which drives us to continually develop these highly innovative, world class dog treats.

All the best from the entire team.



Australian Made Insect Pet Treats