New Products for 2020 – Immune Booster Dog Treats and Horse Treats with MSM…..

New Products for 2020 – Immune Booster Dog Treats and Horse Treats with MSM…..

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 10th Dec 2019

Whilst the year isn’t over yet, we at Huds and Toke ™ have already started our planning New Pet Treats for next year….

With this in mind, we have some great new products to bring to market in 2020!

One such product will add to our Grain Free Health Booster Pet Treat Range.

Grain Free Dog Treats

Presently within this range we have the Detox Paws with Zeolite; Golden Paws with Turmeric, and the Omega Paws with Fish and Chia Seeds …….

To add to this range we are going to introduce to you the Immune Booster Paws with MSM Dog Treats, PLUS we will also be introducing an Immune Booster Horse Treat with MSM as well…..

What is MSM I hear you ask? 

Well, to put it simply, MSM is a compound which occurs naturally in Vegetables and Fruits and Grains.

MSM is found in Fruit and Vegetables Naturally

It's a white powder substance which is soluble in water and is safe for Dogs, Horses, and Humans to consume as it occurs naturally within out bodies.

It’s an organic sulphur compound which is made up of approximately 34% elemental Sulphur.

MSM is short for Methyl-sulfonyl-methane…. It’s a mouthful….. but there has been a large amount of research on this supplement and why it is great for us, as well as for our pets and our Horses.

The list of benefits is vast, so we shall expand on them all in another article, however, for the purpose of introduction, we shall focus on two proven areas of benefit..

MSM has been proven useful in building Connective Tissue as well as in it’s potency for being an Antioxidant Booster .

Sulphur is required for the formation in connective tissue which directly effects the bodies ability to repair and maintain damage, or wear and tear, within joints. As such, if a body has access to this compound, it can repair damage quickly and more efficiently. Thus, improving, and reducing inflammation within joints.

Horse Supplements

Therefore, having healthy joints in our pets, and horses, will allow them to enjoy a healthier, happier and longer life.

This will especially benefit Horses who are participating in Equestrian and show jumping where some of the tasks are hard on the ponies joints....

Same can be said for active dogs and older dogs whom have enjoyed chasing that ball for hours on end....

With regards to Antioxidants, MSM has been proven in studies conducted across the world in both Human and Animal trials that once taken, it can be measured that the level of Antioxidants within a persons, or a pets, body, increases.

Antioxidants for Dogs and Horses

This is excellent because it helps fight the free radicals which build up within our bodies.

Free radicals are naturally occurring within the body as cells either get damaged and oxidise. If they appear in too greater number then they start affecting healthy cells and thus, directly affect the bodies immune system.

These Antioxidants seek out and clean up these free radicals.

Antioxidants are accessed via the foods we eat and many fresh fruit and vegetables are high in Antioxidants.

However, MSM can increase the level of Antioxidants with the body significantly and therefore help prevent cells oxidising and helps with repairing of damaged cells and boosts the immune system.

There are so many more health benefits to MSM and just as many studies including Pets and Horses to expand on right now....

We shall leave that for another time....

Just be assured that in the New Year, 2020, we will be introducing some exciting products with fantastic health benefits.

We have a number of other products within the development pipeline, so this is just a taste of what is to come in 2020……

Have an awesome rest of the year.

From all the team @ Huds and Toke™.



Healthy Pet Treats with MSM