Posted by Russell Gibbons on 29th Feb 2016

As our pets, both horses and dogs and cats etc…, become more and more a part of our family we are noticing indicators of stress more visibly.

Is this because our pets are getting more stressed? OR are we getting better at noticing stress indicators because we are becoming more familiar with our pets?

The third question to this is; are these stress indicators normal or are they of concern?

Stress is a real thing which is concerning many pet owners. If you can understand it better, you may be able to purchase more appropriate products which can help……be they Pet Treats or other pet products???

Firstly, lets discuss what Stress is???


“Stress is a complex mechanism involving the central nervous system, and various organs with numerous hormone interaction.” (Diana Performance by Nature pet stress report).

A simplistic definition for sure, however, from a science perspective it is important that one understands that it is indeed a natural occurrence which exists in all things……NOT just us!

Essentially, it is a survival mechanism which shows itself when something threatens, or a perceived threat, presents itself and that animal reacts for survival purposes.

But I think there is more to it than that. The perceived threat may not exactly be a threat. As such, the response is an over-reaction and that causes the problems which in-turn can become annoying habits….

These things only become a health issue if the stress, or perceived stress, is prolonged.

Indeed, stress can actually be good for health if it is preparing the body to protect itself either physically or emotionally be it from bacteria, predators, or a change in surroundings. The reaction may indeed be beneficial and necessary.

If the stress is prolonged……then the issues start occurring.

It is well documented that prolonged events of stress can then cause health issues ranging from immune deficiencies, mental issues and actual life threatening illnesses such as cancers.

So in order to take control of these issues we need to identify what is causing the stress and then how to mitigate the problems caused by the stress.

Some signs of Stress in dogs, according to the university of Minnesota, are as follows, but not limited to:

  • Panting and salivating
  • Pacing
  • Shedding
  • Diarrhoea/ bowel movements
  • Inappropriate urination
  • Licking the lips
  • Trembling
  • Whining, excessive vocalizing
  • Excessive scratching or licking repeatedly

Check out more at the “Signs of Stress Report”.

Cause of these stresses can be, but not limited to:

  • Unusual noises
  • Unknown places
  • Confusing or inconsistent training or handling
  • People exhibiting strange or unusual behaviour
  • Unpredictable or rough handling
  • Unusual odours
  • Being crowded by people or other animals
  • A resident or staff member being nervous or acting in a strange way from the animals perspective
  • Extreme indoor and outdoor temperatures

Once again, to see more on this list check out the “Signs of Stress Report”.

Understanding these signs, then asking ourselves firstly if the stress is natural, and as such, justified is really important.

Once you can help identify if there is a potential problem then the process of dealing with these stresses comes into play.

One deals with these by a number of ways:

  1. Teaching the animal to become more adaptive and resilient through training and reassurance.
  2. Removing the stresses.
  3. Ensuring the diet is optimal so they are getting the correct nutrients for their body to make the right amount of hormones to manage stress.
  4. Using drugs to control the stress.


There are so many products which can then be used to aid in the management of stress.  As I mentioned before, these products include Pet Treats but they also include other pet products to help manage all types of stress.

Of course, if you are worried, make sure you see your vet first. They know what to look for….

The aim, of course, is to have stress free pets............By understanding stress in our furr family is a good way to start getting to this utopia place!

AND, if you can get your pets there.....tell me....I want to be there as well!!!!

Hope these thoughts help in some way?  Feel free to contact us if you would like to expand some ideas and to see if we can help.  Otherwise, of course see your vet or any good local pet shop can help as well!

All the best from the team here @ Huds and Toke.


“Creating Memories”

PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.