Is Carob Good For Dogs......  AND Why?

Is Carob Good For Dogs...... AND Why?

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 23rd Aug 2017

The Good news is that Carob, known as a Chocolate Substitute, is perfectly fine for our furry friends to eat. Chocolate, on the other hand, IS NOT good for dogs. In-fact, chocolate WILL make your Dog Sick. Without going into too much detail, it is a naturally occurring compound called Theobromine which exists in the cocoa plant that dogs can-not process. To find out more about …
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Posted by Russell Gibbons on 17th Mar 2016

CHOCOLATE IS BAD!.......For dogs…… In fact, it is the Theobromine, which is an alkaloid, which is technically the bad thing for dogs…….It just so happens that it occurs naturally in the seeds of the Cocoa Tree. These seeds are harvested and Cocoa Butter is made from them, which is what chocolate is made from! Oh, and the darker the chocolate; the higher the concentration of Theobro …
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