Unicorn Bath Horse Treats R&D?????

Unicorn Bath Horse Treats R&D?????

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 10th Mar 2017

Soooo, it's been a long week and things at the Huds and Toke Pet Treat Factory can get a little FREAKY!!! This is Jane doing some "R&D" on creating a Unicorn Bath to accompany our Unicorn Horse Treat Cookies....... Crazy???  Yes......  Psychedelic Friday perhaps??? Yup.......  Jane's gone a little bit left of centre here......I think she needs a good weekend off! But, lets …
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Winter is Coming...... Lets prepare our Dogs, and pets, for the Colder Months ahead!

Winter is Coming...... Lets prepare our Dogs, and pets, for the Colder Months ahead!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 6th Mar 2017

Yep, this year is surely getting away on us!!! Can you believe it is Now Autumn? With this in mind there are Two things we need to get ready for……. 1. EASTER IS FAST APPROACHING. 2. LETS GET OUR PUPPIES READY FOR THE COMING COLD SNAP! In our little family, we have two dogs. Both of them are Arctic breeds so they don’t really need warm clothing…….BUT, dogs still …
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Keep Your Pet Safe At Night

Keep Your Pet Safe At Night

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 27th Feb 2017

Your Pet Dogs, and Pet Cats, have a tendency to want to "Explore" once our lights go out and our heads hit the pillow!!! But little do they know, or understand, once they work out how to leave the safety of their yard, their life is at risk......And this risk is high! There are a number of reasons your pets want to "explore" beyond their boundaries.  The main ones are below: Bored. …
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Posted by Russell Gibbons on 9th Feb 2017

VALENTINES DAY IS ALMOST HERE SO DON'T FORGET YOU KNOW WHO!!!Huds and Toke™ want to GIVE YOU A GIFT for being part of our family! (see the bottom of the page)It tends to sneak up soooo quickly.....and perhaps catch a few of us off our guard? Or maybe it's just me? Regardless, the guys at Huds and Toke™ have made some amazing Valentine Day Dog Treats. Check them out here! …
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