Pet People Are All The Same The World Over!!!

Pet People Are All The Same The World Over!!!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 30th Mar 2020

You Have Got To Love Pets!   Take a look at this wonderful clip of people hanging with their pets around the world! I imagine that this is what we are all doing whilst in isolation and you can see the same feeling in each and everyone's face regardless of the types of pets.... It's a vision of comfort, contentment, and a certain calm which our pets give us especially in times like thi …
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Huds and Toke Pet Treats Can Now Provide You With Dog Food.

Huds and Toke Pet Treats Can Now Provide You With Dog Food.

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 26th Mar 2020

These are crazy days but focusing on your pets truly help.  Our Pet Dogs, Horses, Pet Rabbits or what ever animal you consider as your pet will absolutely give you plenty of smiles if you focus on them!!!Our Pet Family members are a wonderful source of positive vibes and feel good emotions.  Take the time away from the news to play, sit, groom or simply admire them and their behavio …
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Australian Made Pet Treat Products should take centre stage.

Posted by Emma Gibbons on 19th Jan 2015

Recently the big pet supplies chain PetCo in the US has just deleted all lines of Dog Treats and Cat Treats that are made in China.That is a massive move by a price driven corporation and great to see that as a big corporate that it is listening to its customer base (all of the pet parents) out there, that they would prefer to buy treats of a reputable origin.. Great for us "Australian Made" …
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