6 Tips For Taking Great Photos Of Your Pet.

6 Tips For Taking Great Photos Of Your Pet.

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 25th Oct 2021

Pets are amazing....  And we all want to show off our Fury Friends whenever we get the chance... We want to Share the moment with others.....  But it's not always as easy as it sounds!

At Huds and Toke™, we are all about encouraging you to Share the Moment while creating Awesome memories with the pets in our lives.

That's why we do what we do..... Create incredible Pet Treats to allow you to not only train your pets but also to provide world class products which also look great in photos.....  For this very reason....  to show off our Pets and to help make you, and your friends, happy!

But it's not always as simple as it sounds....  In "Show Business" they say "avoid working with Animals and Children!"

This is because it's difficult..... 

So we have a few tips to help you take awesome photos to keep sharing those wonderful moments.

1.  Stay Calm

First things first.....  One needs to be in a good head space for before you begin because working with pets can be really frustrating.....

Also, our pets, regardless whether they are a Pet Dog, Pet Horse, Pet Cat, Pet Rabbit or any other pet for that matter, can sense our frustrations and anxieties....  Therefore, the calmer you are, the more likely you are going to have a positive experience.

Further to this, we also want to give our pets a positive experience as well.  If they feel like it's fun, the more likely they are going to want to do it again in the future!

Pet Treats to Calm your Pets

2.  Use Pet Treats which do not get messy in your hand.

This is actually really important.  You should use a Treat specifically designed for that animal, and one which looks awesome in photos.....  

Healthy Horse Treat Cookies

The treat should "POP" in your pet photos and compliment the talent (eg: your pet)!!!

If you have a sticky, melting, messy Pet Treat, you are not going to enjoy touching your phone....  PLUS, it's likely that mess will also get in the coat of your Dog, Cat, Horse, Rabbit or whatever pet you are doing a shoot with.

You definitely do not want to damage your phone or smudge the lens on your camera.....  So choose a Pet Treat that looks amazing, pops in the picture and won't get messy....

Of course, Huds and Toke specialize in such products.....  So check us out as your first port of call.

There are a number of other reasons to use Pet Treats, and all of which the team at Huds and Toke stock....  right from the Training Treats for good behaviour, all the way through to the Photo Shoot Props.....

Whatever the case, using Pet Treats in a photo shoot will motivate, celebrate, and encourage obedience whilst you are getting that perfect happy snap to share.....

Doggie Doughnuts

3.  Don't be perfectly symmetrical... Use the Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds is a tool used by photographers basically to generate perspective, depth and to create a journey within the photo for the viewers eyes to follow.

Essentially, imagine a grid in the view finder, like Nought's and Crosses, divided into thirds.... Then use the elements in the photo to line up on the grid so that everything is a touch off centre.

Click here to find out more about the Rule of Thirds ..... It sounds technical but remember, it's just a guide to help....

If you do use it, the photos are better than just aligning everything up symmetrically... 

Pet Rabbit Pet Treats

4. Focus on the Eyes.

As humans, we are internally programmed to focus on the eyes to help recognize facial expressions and is integral in communication.....  

Especially when one considers that over 70% of all communication is non-verbal!

Thus, we will naturally searching for the eyes in a portrait photo of an animal or of other humans....  It's in-built.  

Therefore, a portrait with the eyes in focus will help draw the viewer into the image, will be more appealing and have more impact than a photo without the eyes in focus.....

When you consider that you want to communicate through your photos, then focusing on one of the most expressive tool.  Therefore, trying to make your photo seem more of a window through which we are looking rather than a static object is the goal.

Thus, having your subject’s eyes engaged with the viewers gaze will convey characteristics about that animal or person to the viewer.

Obviously, this is simply a guide and if the photo isn't going to be about a face, then focusing on the eyes isn't a thing!!!!

Natural Dog Treats

5. Keep the Photo Shoot Short and Spontaneous

Remember, animals don't have as long an attention span as humans do....  So don't expect them to perform like a human!!

It's hard enough getting a human to sit still for longer than 10 minutes, let alone an animal.....  

So keep it short, and that way they will see it as fun....  and so will you!!!

Health Pet Treats

6. Highlight their Individual Character

Don't try to manicure things too much.  You want your photo to be authentic.....  

Therefore, focus on the attributes of your pet which makes them an individual and which you love about them....  

They might be goofy, or smile in a cute way, or have one floppy ear etc....

Whatever it is, highlight their character....  It will show authenticity, and create seem more lifelike....

Horse Treats

When it comes to photography, there are literally dozens of techniques and tips to help create better photos....

However, if you follow some of these basic tips above, you'll find that it's way more enjoyable than people will have you believe.....

The key with photos and pets is that you need to see it as fun....  Don't take it too seriously, have fun and keep smiling....  

You are spending time with your pets.....  what better way to be spending your time?  Even if the photos are not always the best....  it's still time with your pets!

And that's one way to make us happy!!!

Of course, the team at Huds and Toke do this all the time so if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.  We'll do our best to help.

At the very least, we have all the pet treats you need to train your pets and to create wonderful, adventurous, and enjoyable photos.

Make sure you tag us in on our socials so that we can see your photos and then we'll do our best to give you a shout out!

Take care from the entire team at Huds and Toke™.



Australian Made Pet Treats