Posted by Russell Gibbons on 24th Feb 2016

I think it’s super important to give back to our communities.

If we want our children, and indeed ourselves, to grow up in a positive society it is up to good people to get involved into that society and give back in some way?

Be it in kind, such as donation of your time and skills, or in financial terms?

We at Huds and Toke support our communities in a number of ways with a few organisations be it a local pony Club up to an exciting research based charity called the Detection Dogs for conservation.

To elaborate further, I personally am the President Elect of the Eumundi Pony Club. I have certain skills which add value to this lovely, friendly little club. As such, I put my hand up to help……even though my kids are not involved in the club.

It is a way I can give back and help make a solid club which adds value to the kids in the district who rely on clubs like this.

Huds and Toke then gift Horse treats and other products to the club so they can run raffles to help raise funds.

Carrot Horse Bix Horse Treats

From a business perspective, we also support a number of other charities.

These include Smart Pups Autism Assistance Dogs. These guys have made some fundamental changes to the lives of the families whom are selected to have these dogs.

As a family, we have been a foster parent for one of the dogs whilst it was in training. Further to this, as a business, we donate food as well as training treats.

We also support the Save a Horse – Australia organisation.

Save a Horse does such a big job in rehabilitating unwanted horses and then finding them good homes.

What an amazing organisation?

The other charity which we are particularly excited about is the Detection Dogs for Conservation.

This is such a unique and quite amazing charity, which, put simply, find abandoned dogs from shelters, take ownership of these dogs and then train them in a specific way to search for endangered animals, such as Koalas.

Go check them out. They are doing some amazing stuff and we are offering quite a lot of help to keep them moving forward.

The University of the Sunshine Coast is also heavily involved and it is a real honour to be involved in such a unique and practical organisation which help unloved dogs PLUS, helping our environment as well!!!

How good is that???

I wanted to talk about these great movements simply because we as a family, and a business, are really proud to give back to our society in some way.

It’s the best way to move our society forward for our children.

We here a lot about charity however I don’t think we talk about the why enough…..

Money is great to give. However if you are not in that situation, there are many other ways to get involved………PLUS, they don’t have to be the massive, high profile, charities either…….a local club adds so much value to society and can always use any help they can get.

Just some thoughts of mine, and indeed, my families.

If you want any information about any of these please click the links in this or simply drop me an email and I would be happy to chat about what it is I do to help of direct you in the right direction.

Have a great week and thanks from the team @ Huds and Toke.

Australian Made Horse Training Treats

                       "Creating Memories"


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