Happy New Year for 2016

29th Jan 2016

Pet Treats

                           "Creating Memories"

Happy New Year to everyone…….Plus, Happy Australia day as well!


I hope you had a great festive season and now well and truly started another year which I hope is filled with adventure, fun and all the good stuff.

Huds and Toke have had a big start to the year already.

We are already working on a range of new treats for both Horses and Dogs……. We will get these out in the not too distant future….

Also, we are already preparing for Easter which is in March this year…..so hold onto your hats…..this range will be available soon……

As a community, we are going to focus on becoming better at talking with you this year!

We realised that last year we were not as diligent as we should have been……perhaps we were spending too much time with our puppies and horses???

That is not going to change; however we will be sending you more regular updates on what we are doing and what our thoughts are on a range of matters of interest….Plus, we will be offering random discounts and opportunities…..

We really want to show thanks to you for being a part of our community, and illustrate that we appreciate you supporting an Australian business, such as Huds and Toke, by offering you opportunities to say thanks!

On a more sober note, we lost a very important member of our team recently. Mark was a wonderfully giving person and one whom believed in our concept right from the beginning. He was instrumental in encouraging us to deliver this from concept to reality.

I only mention this because his support for us deserves to be acknowledged, and considering you are part of our community, it is only prudent that we share with you the ups as well as the not so ups....

So thank-you once again for taking the time to be a part of our little, yet growing, community……We are really excited about this year and look forward to providing you with some awesome products.

Have a great year and lets make it a fun one together.

Happy 2016 from the team @Huds and Toke….

Australian Pet Treats

"Creating Memories"



PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.