Horses are Beautiful

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 23rd Jun 2015

Horses are such beautiful animals. The sheer number of breeds are nothing short of amazing.

Check out the link below to see some of the most amazing photos of breeds of horses.

It is because of the differences in breeds that Huds and Toke make such a wide range of Horse Treats and Horse Treat flavours……..because horses are not all the same…..

It’s not just the type of breed which affects their taste……it can be a number of things.

Such as:

  • Age
  • Breed
  • Existing Diet
  • Health of their gums and teeth.
  • Etc….

For these reasons, we at Huds and Toke specifically make a different range of treats just for horses.

So don’t be afraid to experiment with our treats and see which ones your ponies love the most……

I love looking at photos like the ones our customers send in.

Just stunning……..

Keep an eye out for some of our new Horse treats coming out soon.

Have a great week from the team @ Huds and Toke.