How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

Posted by Katrina Thorpe on 15th Aug 2019

We all like to smell good, and we all like our animals to smell good as well. But how often should you actually wash your doggo?

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There are many opinions on when to wrangle your pooch into the tub and wash them with something lovely to make them smell better…….. But how often is recommended?

Studies have shown that if you wash your dog too much, their skin becomes dry and flaky and is not a benefit for your dog.

Your dog’s coat has natural oils that promote hair growth. So, washing weekly might make them smell nice, but unfortunately you can cause some skin problems if you do.

As always when figuring out anything to do with your dog, there are a number of things to take into consideration:

  • Hair Length – does your dog have longer hair which can get dirtier quicker?
  • Activity Level – is your dog super active, goes outside a lot, hangs out in dirtier places? They might need to be washed more than an older dog that stays indoors most of the time.
  • Allergies or Specific Skin Conditions – does your dog have a specific skin condition that requires medicinal baths to help relieve the itching?

At a minimum, it is recommended that you bathe your dog at least once every three months. 

Once you figure out what best suits your furry friend, it is best to use dog shampoo or baby shampoo, and make sure you get all the shampoo off, as it can irate their skin.

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Although dogs hair seems hardier than our own lovely locks, one needs to be aware that a dogs skin is a different pH to a humans……. As such, it’s important to understand that this small difference will mean their skin reacts differently to ours IF you use adult, human, shampoo.

Healthy Dog Treats

So remember, their skin is different, so to avoid irritations DO NOT use human adult shampoos…… no matter how much you like the perfume……

Once you are finished with bath time, make sure you reward your dog with a yummy Huds and Toke Dog Treat.

Not only will this make them feel good but it will help them behave for the next time!!!!

We would love to see your pictures of your bath times with your furry family members, be sure to tag us @hudsandtoke.

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Thanks so much for keeping up with the Huds and Toke family! We’ll keep you updated on our shenanigans with a new blog post coming out soon. 

Make sure you follow our social media handles, so you can keep up-to-date with special promos, competitions, and giveaways.

Until next time,

Lots of love,

The Huds and Toke ™ Family



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