Huds and Toke Pet Treats are more than just Special!!!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 31st Aug 2016

There has been a lot spoken about with regards to Huds and Toke and the specialty, baked, dog treats which are made.

And quite rightly so. There are some really interesting innovations built into them and they do look absolutely amazing…….. for interest, feel free to check out this link to see what I mean.

Huds and Toke, however, is sooo much more than just specialty baked dog treats.

We make so many other awesome products which are great for your favourite pet regardless if they are a dog, horse, cat or Rabbit!!!!

Huds and Toke Awesome Pet Treats

For example…..lets put a spot light on only a few of our other products for a start!


Huds and Toke Little Chicken Bites Pet Treats

Specially designed for dog training, with a light and easy one bite crunch that dogs keep coming back for……

Made with our unique process to produce a low fat no guilt dog treat.

Also great for using in the boredom buster toys or treat toys.

Low in fat - high in flavour - the dogs love!!

100% Australian Made WITH REAL CHICKEN.

These come in a range of Beef Bites with real beef liver, Fish Bite with real fish and Croc Bites with real Crocodile.

Check out more in this clip.

Vegie Tubes

Huds and Toke Veggie Tubes Dog Treats

Veggie Tubes are unique to Huds and Toke and specially designed for dogs and their respective health.  T hey are tangy, crunchy and a great alternative to meaty treats.

NO FAT!! Great for dogs that are over-weight or have weight related illnesses.

Great for dogs of all ages.

There is a healthy mix of Carrot, Corn, Beetroot, and Apple all made with real fruit and veggies!!

These are a completely vegetarian dog treat that all dogs will enjoy.

They do not crumble easily.

Great for Training too!!

Another Clip here to view for further info.

Kangaroo Dental Bone

Huds and Toke Kangaroo Dental Chew Dog Treat

100% Australian made with pure Kangaroo.

Vitamins and minerals have been added to provide extra nutrients.

A healthy, quality Australian made treat.

A Dental Chewy Bone designed for dogs of all ages and all sizes.

It has been designed so that is not too hard, yet firm to the bite, so it is delicate on puppy’s teeth and good for older dogs with softer gums.

The shape and texture of this dental chew allows for maximum dental care if given on a regular basis. They have an awesome meaty aroma that dogs cannot resist.

Bunny Bix

Huds and Toke Bunny Bix Rabbit Treats

Rabbit Treats….. Specifically designed for Pet Rabbit and Guinea Pigs.

You’d be surprised at the popularity of Rabbits and Guinea Pigs as pets…… So why don’t they deserve to be treated like our other family members????

Made with Real Veggies by us!!

No Added Salt or Sugar!!

So you see, we make a lot more than you might think!!!!

Contact us for more information if you like or feel free to place an order…….. we have a treat for sooo many different types of pets!!!!

Have a great week and all the best from the team @ Huds and Toke ™.



Huds and Toke Creating Awesome Memories

PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.