Is it OK for My Dog to Sleep Inside???

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 2nd Jun 2016

Is it OK for my dog to sleep inside!

Yes…..that’s right…… I’m going to talk about it!!!

This isn’t going to be about Pet Treats or Pet Products per say but it is most definitely about dogs!

As winter is upon us I have noticed that our dogs are increasingly turning on the cuteness factor at night before I blow the home fires out and tuck into beddy byes!

Not only do they seem to be getting more cute as they look up at me with these eyes which are talking directly to my soul and saying “……but daddy…’s so cold outside. Don’t kick me out!!!!” but there seems to be a direct correlation between the colder it gets the cuter their cute look becomes!!!

Healthy Pet Treats

Is it just me????

Somehow this message is getting through because I have noticed that I am almost unconsciously just giving in, and leaving them tucked up in their cute little ball on the sheepskin we have on the floor, and think to myself…. “They don’t need to go out tonight…..after-all… is cold! Let them stay in!”

(Lets keep in mind how ludicrous this is to me……our dogs are an Alaskan Malamute and a Huskie X….. One would think they can handle the cold???)

So now, I am waking up in the middle of the night…not with bad dreams or anything, but with one, or two dogs, depending on the severity of the cold outside, in my bed with little to no room for me!

My Dog Sleeps Inside

So in frustration, I do the only thing the man of the house can do…………… Go and sleep with one of the kids in their room!

For weeks this has been happening to me……and I only just realised that there is something wrong!

My dogs are using my bed more than I am!!!!

Anyone else have the same problem???? 

You know who you are!!! 

It’s a rarely spoken about topic, but I thought I would open the conversation regardless……

I know what you are thinking, I have succumbed to their cuteness……They win!!!!

Perhaps you are right!  Now what do I do?

My decision is something I will keep to myself…….but I bet you already know!!!

But what I really want to talk about is not weather this is right or wrong, but how does this affect things in my house if both my dogs sleep inside at night?

There are a number of issues I have noticed within my own house, and I wonder if this is the same with you guys?

Let me list them and then expand:

  • Rugs are getting dirtier more often!
    • The rugs on the floor are getting much dirtier heaps quicker, so we have to wash them more often!
      • So now they are wearing out.
  • More Hair about the house!
    • There is generally more hair about the house forcing us to clean so much more often.
  • Wear and tear on the couch!
    • I have noticed if my puppies don’t claim their spot in my bed, they migrate from the rug on the floor to the couch.

Sleepy Dog

    • So now we are seeing wear marks on the couch.
    • Also seeing new dirt stains on the couch.
    • Plus scratches
    • Plus hair!
  • More wear and tear on the bed.
    • There are now more bodies in my bed all of a sudden!
    • So now the mattress is starting to get old a lot more quickly!
      • This includes the bed heads
    • My bed linen is wearing out……..
    • Bed cushions being used too much…..
  • I am not in my own bed as much!!!
    • I am now sleeping with my kids more
      • So wearing out their beds even more……

And the list goes on!

But now look at the positives………..

  • My dogs love me more!
    • Perhaps????
    • And until I grow a spine and get them back outside they will continue to love me!!!
  • We get to Clean the house more often....Cleaner House!
    • Cleaning up all the hair makes us clean the house much more often.
      • Hence, we have a cleaner house!
  • The kids think it’s cute having their pets with them.
    • I actually think they feel more secure with the dogs inside!
    • Plus my kids are like us…..they lover animals!
  • The Wife now has an excuse to “upgrade” a few things!
    • Hopefully that doesn’t include me!!!!
    • A new rug
    • A new couch
    • New cushions
    • A new Bed
    • New Linen
    • New Kids bed!!!


OK enough!!!!

I see it is time for me to start the migration of our dogs back to their beds outside …….or simply I can get them their own beds for those times when they do use their cuteness powers and I can’t resist!!!

That will take pressure off my stuff!

One thing for sure…..I won’t be upgrading everything at once……. However, I do like the idea of up-grading my bedroom.

So there we have it….. I think I just had a therapy session with myself and have been convinced to make the families sleeping arrangements better……including the dogs!!!

From a dog bed perspective, feel free to contact us at Huds and Toke. We can get you beds specifically for your dogs……..because I just got some for ours!!!!

Huds and Toke

From a human bed perspective, I have been really impressed with the range of ideas and products in the market now. There seems to be a great range of everything from beds, to bed-heads, to bedside tables, to Linen etc…..

I suppose if you are like me……..the reality is, you are going to give in to your dog every now and then, or all the time, so lets make it as comfortable for all of us……

You just need to understand the wear and tear this is going to bring; but look on the positive side……they love you for it…….and you get an excuse to buy new things every now and then!!!!!

If, of course you are leaving your dog inside overnight, or during the day for that matter, make sure you leave some water out for them!

Plus, the type of pet treats you should leave them are the sort that won’t smell or mess up the floor or carpet!

You can find these type of pet treats at our site or send us an email so we can discuss and show you which ones would best suit your surroundings!

A bit of light hearted banter I know, but still, just some of my thoughts that’s all and I do mean it, the guys at Bednest rock.....check them out if you need new bedroom stuff!

Have a great weekend from the team @hudsandtoke.


Huds and Toke

                     "Creating Memories"


PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.