Koala Detection Dogs and Huds and Toke......  A Great Partnership

Koala Detection Dogs and Huds and Toke...... A Great Partnership

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 30th Apr 2020

Huds and Toke Pet Treats Are Still Proud Partners With The USC Koala Detection Dogs.

The team at Huds and Toke ™ have been proud to be one of the partners of the USC Koala Detection Dog initiative.

We have been supporting them for years now and it's easy to forget how important their role is.

Huds and Toke Pet Treats partnering with USC Detection Dogs

We need to remember that our Koalas are still in need of drastic help.

Apart from the normal issues with habitat loss, we need to remember that the population was devastated by the recent bush fires.....

So how do we here @ Huds and Toke help???

Well, feel free to read their most recent blog post which explains what and how they do what they do, but in short, we provide them with the necessary Dog Treats.

These dogs are highly trained to seek out specific signs for Koalas.  They train these dogs using our Dog Treats and also reward them in the field when they do their job well.....  

Even Tom Hanks, and other notable celebrities, have recognised the great work these guys do.....

Huds and Toke are super proud to be part of this initiative and will continue to support them for as long as they require.

Check them out and Please don't forget about our Koalas....  They truly are a National Treasure!!!

Every time you support us, it allows us to support them......  Thank-you for your custom....  We truly appreciate it!

All the best from the team @ Huds and Toke



Australian Made Healthy All Natural Pet Treats