Posted by Russell Gibbons on 22nd Dec 2017

Christmas is upon us!!!  Pets love this time of year as well.....  Sooo many fun activities, people, and if they are lucky, Christmas Dog Treats and Pet Treats!!!!

Christmas Pet Treats

Got to love "creating Awesome Memories" with the Pets in our lives at Christmas time!!!

However, there are a few things we really want to avoid!!!!  And the Vet is one of them.

Christmas Horse Treats

So lets just highlight a few things to be aware of the then go lets just go and have an awesome time.

  1. DO NOT give your dog chocolate!
    1. Dog Treats made with Carob are great.........BUT NOT CHOCOLATE!

  2. Be careful with Christmas Decorations
    1. Tinsel looks fun and it's always very cute to have your puppy wrapped up in it.....  Just be careful they don't consume it....  It won't make them feel well...  Cats a quite prone to feeling sick more so than dogs but BE AWARE.
    2. Glass Christmas Ornaments.....  Make sure if your puppy knocks the tree over, to clean up the broken glass immediately.....  It won't just cut the kids.......  

  3. Don't have Electric Christmas lights low enough for your pets to chew on them or climb up them.

  4. Be careful, and mindful, what human food you feed your pet and how much.... 
    1. Try to keep their diet as consistent as you do throughout the year.
    2. Ensure you have ample water available.
    3. If you are giving your animals Pet Treats and Dog Treats just make sure they are proper Pet Treats and made for that type of animal you are treating be it a pet dog, pet cat, pet rabbit, Guinea Pig, Horse etc....

  5. Above all, Ensure you make your pet comfortable.
    1. The festive period is a time of great excitment, people laughing and talking, lots of visitors and strange smells and loud noises.......  So be sure NOT TO IGNORE your pets.
    2. Give them a special spot so that they can "Escape" and feel comfortable.
      1. This period can be Stressful for your dog.
      2. May i recomend a special spot which is close to you.
      3. PLUS a spot in another room away from everything just in case they really need a time out.

  6. Kids can be rough on pets.
    1. With all the excitment of Santa and presents, kids can get really wound up......  Just keep an eye on them and make sure that they are not being too rough with your pets.

    1. With all the lubrication available for us at this time, don't forget to make sure that there is plenty of fresh water available for your dogs and other pets.

  8. Don't ignore them.  "CREATE AWESOME MEMORIES" with the pets in your lives and keep them included so that they know they are a part of the family.
    1. This time can be particularly stressful and so your pets will look to you for reassurance..  Be There For Them.

Have a great Christmas.

Enjoy those animals of yours!!!!

Thank-you for all your support this year and lets make the next year even better.

From all the team @ Huds and Toke 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your pets!

Gourmet Dog Treats

Please share your Christmas experiences with your pets with us.........Tag us in 



Gourmet Pet Treats

PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.