Is Carob Good For Dogs......  AND Why?

Is Carob Good For Dogs...... AND Why?

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 23rd Aug 2017

The Good news is that Carob, known as a Chocolate Substitute, is perfectly fine for our furry friends to eat.

Australian Made Gourmet Dog Treats with Carob

Chocolate, on the other hand, IS NOT good for dogs. In-fact, chocolate WILL make your Dog Sick.

Without going into too much detail, it is a naturally occurring compound called Theobromine which exists in the cocoa plant that dogs can-not process.

To find out more about this, take a read of this article.

The Carob Story

Lets look closer, at the Carob Story Shall we?

Carob Dog Treats from the Carob Tree

Carob is actually originally from the Mediterranean. It is a tree which bears it's fruit in the way of seed pods. It is the seeds within these pods which is ground up and forms the Carob powder which we know today and is used as a chocolate substitute.

Gourmet Dog Treats with Carob

It looks like Chocolate, but in-fact, it IS NOT Chocolate. It DOES NOT contain Theobromine.

In fact, doesn’t even have added sugar, or added fats.

So yes, Carob is safe for dogs to eat. AND, it looks great as well…… Plus, dogs like the taste of it.

But why is Carob Good for dogs?

Well Carob, contains a variety of healthy nutrients such as these vitamins as identified by the scientific journal published by the Assiut University, Egypt.

Healthy Carob Dog Treats

It also contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and protein and is also a good source of fibre.

Fibre is essential for the “good Bacteria” in the gut and intestines to flourish, as well as helping the dogs whole digestive system to be efficient and extract the best amount of nutrients out of the food your dog eats.

In fact, Carob contains up to 39.8% dietary fibre and 20% Polyphenols which are antioxidants and are really important to good health.

Further to this, Carob is naturally really low in fat (.2 – 2.3%) whilst at the same time containing a substantial amount of Protein (up to 7.6%).

As we know, Protein is really important for dogs!

The Essential Amino Acids which come from Protein allows the body to function correctly and contributes to healthy skin and healthy hair, plus, of course, is essential for muscle development and repair.

Because dogs are Omnivores, and are NOT wolves, they can source their protein from both meat sources and plant sources…… and guess what??? Carob is a source high in protein and low in fat.

So, with all this taken into account:

  • YES, dogs can eat Carob!
  • YES, Carob is SAFE for dogs!
  • YES, Carob is nutritious for dogs!
  • YES, dogs like the taste of Carob
  • NO, it is NOT chocolate.

What about Huds and Toke Gourmet Dog Treats?

Natural Carob, and natural yogurt, is used when designing pet treats which look like they could be chocolate.

Carob and Yogurt Bones Gourmet Dog Treats

The Team at Huds and Toke NEVER use chocolate whilst making any Gourmet Dog Treats.

Further to this, ALL Huds and Toke  Dog Treats are actually made specifically for dogs!!!

Gourmet Dog Treats by Huds and Toke

This is super important to remember.

That's because if they are designed for dogs, the ingredients shouldn't have any added sugar, preservatives, or chocolate.

The biscuit base should not be a short bread either. Short Bread biscuits are high in sugar and fats.

The biscuit base made by the team at Huds and Toke, is specifically made for dogs.

Hence, no artificial preservatives or sugar are added by our team of Pet Treat Artisans.

I hope this clears up anything with regards to Carob.

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All the best from the team @ Huds and Toke ™.

Gourmet Dog Treats by Huds and Toke

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