War Animal Day - Remembering the service Animals, and Pets have given us!

War Animal Day - Remembering the service Animals, and Pets have given us!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 1st Mar 2019

War Animal Day Over the weekend of Feb 23rd & 24th saw the first ever Nationals Day for War Animals commemoration . What a wonderful thing to be commemorating. Sometimes we forget how much animals have contributed to our civilization, and how we live today. We remember the soldiers, as we should; but it is so awesome that now we are also recognizing the role these animals have …
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Huds and Toke Dog Treats and Horse Treats - THESE ARE THE REASONS WE DO WHAT WE DO!!!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 28th Jun 2016

Take a look at this......  These guys are actually the creators of Huds and Toke!They love their animals so much that we they came up with the idea of the Huds and Toke Concept where we can help animals.So we have built a Dog Treat and Horse Treat business. This was on a trip to our farm where we encounter all sorts of wild animals........ We all love it!Have a great day. …
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