War Animal Day - Remembering the service Animals, and Pets have given us!

War Animal Day - Remembering the service Animals, and Pets have given us!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 1st Mar 2019

War Animal Day

Over the weekend of Feb 23rd & 24th saw the first ever Nationals Day for War Animals commemoration .

Image result for Free images australian light horse

What a wonderful thing to be commemorating.

Sometimes we forget how much animals have contributed to our civilization, and how we live today.

We remember the soldiers, as we should; but it is so awesome that now we are also recognizing the role these animals have played in wars throughout history which shapes our society today!

It not just the horses in the Light Horse Brigade, or the dogs which were trained to sniff out mines….. it includes sooo many other animals which were used for various roles.

These include simply mascots, or donkeys used to move gear around, and pigeons used to deliver vital messages, or camels to assist movement through the deserts…… the list goes on!!!

Dogs important for Defence

When you think about it, they have played, and continue to play, a massive role in our defence forces.

So I think it is only right to take a moment to think about these animals who have served, and continue serving to this very day….

This is even more poignant when one considers ANZAC Day is approaching……. Lest we Forget.

Perhaps your pet, be it Horse, Dog, Rabbit, bird etc…. isn’t serving in any wars or police forces; but they are helping you in your life….. they are improving our individual world.

For that we should be really thankful for….. so why not give them a Gourmet Pet Treat just to show some appreciation….. and at the same time, think about the sacrifices other pets serving in the forces are giving, and have given…….

Animals, and pets in particular, are amazing, and we should give thanks for having them in our lives…..

The Team at Huds and Toke really appreciate those pets in our lives…. That's why we do what we do…. That’s why we aim to “Create Awesome Memories” with the pets in our lives by creating restaurant quality Gourmet Pet Treats.

But we also focus on all the good things that they have done for us and our society…. So spare a thought for those who have sacrificed….. especially around ANZAC Day.

Healthy Pet Treats

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Australian Made Gourmet Pet Treats

PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.