Christmas is Approaching Fast. Get your Pet Treat Orders in soon!

Christmas is Approaching Fast. Get your Pet Treat Orders in soon!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 3rd Nov 2021

Christmas is ONLY 7 WEEKS AWAY!!!

What a year it has been! 

So much has happened but we are almost at the end and Santa is now preparing his elves and Reindeers for the upcoming festive season!

With this in mind, we need to focus on a few things.......

Firstly, Transport and Logistic systems are already under immense strain....  

Christmas Gifts for Pets

Therefore, these are the dates when we need your Christmas Pet Treats Orders in so that we can get them to you.

These dates have been compiled with close consultation with Australia Post and the Courier Companies.

Thus, please show some understanding that we can't be flexible IF you want your parcels by Christmas.....

Regular Post

WA, NT, TAS – 6th December

Everywhere else in Aust – 8th December

Express Post

WA, NT, TAS – 10th December

Everywhere else in Aust – 16th December

Please also understand that transit times are going to be longer than usual...... AND THAT IS OUT OF OUR HANDS!

So please be conscious of this when you place an order...... 

Or simply lets get ordering NOW!



Christmas Pet Treats

Click on the Image, or simply visit the Store here, to see more awesome Xmas Pet Treats.

If we all get organized sooner rather than later, then we should all look forward to an amazing Christmas after such a difficult year.....

Thanks for your support and understanding and we look forward to sending your Christmas Pet Treat Orders asap.  

All the best from the team at Huds and Toke.



Australian Made Christmas Pet Treats