Dogs Make Us Fitter - Proof!

Dogs Make Us Fitter - Proof!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 15th May 2019

People with Pet Dogs do more exercise

Does this mean dog owners are fitter than non-dog owners???

Australian Made Healthy Dog Treats

Well, according to a new study completed by a team at the University Of Liverpool , it means exactly that.

Dog owners are indeed fitter than non-dog owners…..

The study shows that dog owners walk and exercise more than non-dog owners, however, importantly, they do this activity on top of other exercise; NOT instead of.

It shows that we walk longer and more frequently……. Another good reason for owning a dog….. on top of a million other reasons I can think of…. But this is good news.

It’s amazing how much science is stacking ever more proof that pets are super valuable to us as individuals but also to society as a whole.

Dog Treats

The physical health benefits alone, without mentioning the psychological and emotional benefits, can ease the burden on society because our dogs keep us moving and fitter for longer…..meaning less trips to the doctor.

This study also considers children who live in a family whom own a dog. It found that those children “report greater participation in recreational walking and free time physical activity.”

So there we have it…'s great for the whole family!

More proof why owning pets are awesome.

Go an enjoy those pets of yours, and keep creating awesome memories, and increased fitness!

Don’t forget to reward them for providing so many positives into our lives with a groovy Huds and Toke Dog Treat….. They absolutely deserve it!

As always, thank-you for your support and have a great week.

Don’t forget to share your adventures with us on our socials



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PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.