Imported Jerky Treats Tied to Pet Illness

Posted by Russell Gibbons. on 16th Apr 2015

Dogs in the US, as well as in Europe, have been getting sick from imported jerky treats.

Petfood published the following article about what is being reported

“The disease, known as acquired Fanconi syndrome, recently has been diagnosed in dogs that ate treats that were not labelled as made in China or made with ingredients from China. The illness has been tied to Chinese chicken jerky treats.”

To read the full article click on the link at the bottom of this page and have a read.

It highlights a few things about the importance of ensuring the health of your pets. I could summarise how to help protect your pets in 4 easy steps:

Avoid imported products.

      • Unless you have been living in the origin country and you know it’s safety laws and standard etc….. there is no way of knowing how well it has been made, and what ingredients are in it.
      • As well as this unknown, every consumable which is imported into Australia is treated with something to help protect Australia from Bio-security threats….

Buy products manufactured in Australia.

      • That way you know they have not been treated with any nasties as they are not imported.
      • Plus, you know already that Australia has one of the highest safety standards in the world. It’s not that accidents don’t happen, however the standards which are applied here in Australia certainly helps to minimise the opportunities for health scares.

Buy your products from a company with a sole and whom actually care about the health of your pets.

      • These businesses care enough about your pets to think about their health first. 
      • Plus, as an added benefit, you know that if you need to ask a question, they are more likely to answer them openly….


If you are unsure, ASK the outlet about the product you are considering purchasing.


The world is full of great quality pet treats……… don’t let a few sensationalised articles deter you from giving your pets a taste sensation……….however you need to be aware, just as you are with your own food.

These are our own humble thoughts which we here at Huds and Toke Pty Ltd feel should be shared, As an Australian manufacturer of High end and exclusive treats for pets and horses, it is important to us to share our views from time to time. Please feel free to contact us via the website should you like to know further information about us and our products.

For more on this, read the article via this link – Jerky Treats Tied to Pet Illness.